Julio SánchezCEO - Bitcoin Finance Expert

Areas of expertise
  • BitcAlcoin development of Cryptocurrencies.
  • Competitive advantage.
  • The BNB Smart Chain platform.
  • Julio has a Ph.D. in Environmental Economics from the University of London (2003).
  • Master’s Degree in Statistics from the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics – IMPA (2007).
  • Is a mathematician with a PhD in environmental economics from Imperial College London
  • (MB) in software engineering from University of Sydney School.

His professional experience includes the presidency of the State Environment Agency – at the World Bank, with emphasis on the coordination of the study “Brazil Economics of Climate Change Study”, developed in collaboration with the British government. This study was a Bank contribution to the UNFCCC COP on climate change.

With more than 9 years of experiences , where he learned and worked with environmental issues in more than 40 countries on all continents, on various topics such as environmental management, economic valuation, water resources, deforestation and air pollution. Since 2005 he has worked and studied almost exclusively on issues related to global warming. Still at the World Bank, he coordinated a large study on the economics of adaptation to climate change and led a pioneering study that integrated technical and economic analyzes of the effects of global warming. Throughout his career he was Secretary of Sustainable Development in the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency.